

    PRINCIPAL Welcome to Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1, Ichhanath, Surat. A new academic year brings forth new challenges and thankfully new opportunities. Excelling to the heights of achievements requires re-dedication to our ideals as an institution. A famous philosopher said “Life is a state of continued becoming, with a goal in front and not behind”. How true! The time has come for us – not to rest on past laurels – but to pursue with renewed vigour, higher targets.
    The virtual visit to a school takes place through a school’s website. Our school website is very important as it includes a range of quality content and delivers a good user experience for its regular users, including teachers, students and parents. The website also effectively communicates the school’s vision and mission, learning resources, curriculum information, news, events, calendar and other school information. In effect, the school website presents the personality of the school. As you navigate your way through the site discovering what we have to offer, you will find answers to the many preliminary questions you may have about our school and our academic programme.